Smt. Sasmita Saha

Smt. Sasmita Saha
Mechanical Engineering
M.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering

8 Years of teaching experience

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Sl. no Title Download
1 Thermal Engineering-I(3rd Sem)
2 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning(5th Sem)
3 Power station Engineering(6th Sem)
4 Thermal Engineering-II(4th Sem)
5 Thermal Engineering-I(3rd Sem) 2021-22
6 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning(5th Sem) 2021-22
7 Thermal Engineering-I(3rd Sem) 2022-23
8 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning(5th Sem) 2022-23
9 Thermal Engineering-II(4th Sem) 2022-23
10 Power station Engineering(6th Sem) 2022-23
11 Thermal Engineering-I(3rd Sem) 2023-24
12 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning(5th Sem) 2023-24
13 Thermal Engineering-II(4th Sem) 2023-24
14 Power station Engineering(6th Sem) 2023-24
15 Thermal Engineering-I(3rd Sem) 2024-25
16 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning(5th Sem) 2024-25

Sl. no Title Download
1 Thermal Engineering-I(3rd Sem)
2 Thermal Engineering-II(4th Sem)
3 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning(5th Sem)
4 Power station Engineering(6th Sem)

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1 Power plant engg-6th sem
2 Power plant engg-6th sem
3 Power plant engg-6th sem
5 TE